

Meet William Sayghani – Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Market Analyst

William Sayghani grew up in the same area as the Atlas Copco headquarters just outside of Stockholm. After finishing his engineering degree at The Royal Institute of Technology he immediately applied for a position, and so the journey at Atlas Copco began.

William Sayghani - Customer Relationship Management and Market Analyst

Current role: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Marketing Analyst in CT sales organization in Sweden.

Joined Atlas Copco: March 2013

Education: B.Sc. Engineering in Industrial Economy and Production, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Master’s in Leadership, Organization, and Management. 

Background: Started in Atlas Copco as a Service Coordinator for Compressor Technique’s (CT) sales organization in Sweden. Held various positions in the organization e.g. as Project Manager and Engineer for Industrial Air in CT Sweden and Regional Process Manager in CT Nordics.

Nationality: Swedish

Hobby: Enjoys all kinds of sports, but mostly soccer and fitness. Is also involved in a mentorship program for youths from disadvantaged backgrounds. This is about giving support and making a positive difference in their lives by spending time together, doing activities, and by setting goals: “I am focused to show each of the teenagers that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that life is good and that we should never lose hope. There is always someone to turn to.”

Can you tell us about your current role?

“As a Marketing Analyst, I coach our sales team, sales engineers, and sales managers to use our CRM platform in order to be organized and to manage the business. I also carry out market analytics to devise and support our sales strategy,” he adds.

William is also the owner of the sales process in the sales organization: “The sales process documents who is responsible for doing what and in which system. I continuously optimize this by looking for maximum efficiency in the business process.”  

What brings you the most joy as a CRM and Market Analyst?

“The joy in my job is that I have various challenges every day, not one day is the same. This is the kind of environment where I thrive. I share my knowledge and know that there is always a better way to deliver gains in efficiency and customer satisfaction. Everyone here strives and collaborates to reach the same goals,” he says and remarks that he is also passionate to ensure that Cloud for Customer (C4C), the CRM system, is the single source of business truth for all their customer interactions.

“Working in a multinational company means I have colleagues from all over the world and this is something I treasure. Every day brings different challenges and opportunities for me to grow as a person and within my professional career, the relationships are always built on respect and mutual understanding for each other.” 

How did you hear about Atlas Copco?

“I grew up in the same area as the Atlas Copco headquarters and when I was 14 years old, I remember saying to myself: “I want to have a nice suit and work in that building one day”. To be honest, the Atlas Copco name meant something special to me from a young age, even though I didn't know so much about what the company was doing other than selling big industrial machines, and had the perception of it being a successful company to work in,” William says.  

He adds that: “Atlas Copco was the first company I applied to and had an interview with after obtaining my university degree. It has been my only employer in my professional career.”

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